a blade of grass

… he told me that perfection could be learned from nature. be more humble than a blade of grass; more tolerant than a tree. give respect to others freely, without expectation or motive. in such a state of mind, stripped bare of your false pretenses, call out to your Lord eternally.

i’m still working on it …


Our Aspiration: a blade of grass

What is envy? Envy means, "I want to be seen as important and great and if anyone is a threat to my own egoistic idea, then there is negativity towards that person, perhaps in my thoughts, in my words, in my actions." But if devotees put as their goal -- as their aspiration -- humility, then there is no question of envy. Therefore the cardinal principle of Sri Caitanya's teachings is this verse from the Siksastaka:

trnad api sunicena, taror iva sahisnuna
amanina manadena kirtaniya sada harih

This is our aspiration. We cannot enter into the higher realms of consciousness, until we develop this as our consciousness, of striving as the goal of our life, to be more humble than a blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree, to be ready to offer all respect to others, to expect no respect for oneself and in this way with a clean and sincere heart, to chant the name of Krishna constantly. This is our aspiration. Not to be a sannyasi, not to be a leader, not to be famous, not to be married in a wealthy family, not to be a president or a GBC or a sankirtan leader. These are all services, necessary services, which we should accept simply to assist our Guru's mission. But it is not our aspiration.

Our aspiration is to be more humble than a blade of grass, more tolerant than a tree, to offer all respect to others and expect none in return and in this way to chant the name of the Lord constantly. And whatever our service may be, we should humbly execute our service, with this goal as our ambition in life. And if all of us, whether we are pujaris or cooks or whether we are sankirtan devotees or whether we are grihastas living outside having gainfully employed services to society and coming and chanting and making our families Krishna conscious, whatever our function may be, if we all unite under this aspiration of trnad api sunicena, there will be no envy. There will be sincere unity and then great progress can be made individually and collectively. And all sincere and innocent people of the world will be attracted to the atmosphere, where devotees are humbly coming together to chant the holy names of Krishna.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

It is our great service to the Vaisnavas, by our example, by our words, to encourage and enthuse devotees in this direction.

~ His Holiness Radhanath Swami

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