"twenty-nine years and my life is still
trying to get up that great big hill
of hope
for a destination..."
(slightly paraphrased, 4 Non Blondes - "What's Going On?")
trying to get up that great big hill
of hope
for a destination..."
(slightly paraphrased, 4 Non Blondes - "What's Going On?")
Happy Birthday to me! So this year's "big day" is bittersweet: sweet because I'm in New Vrindaban with my family, getting blessings from wonderful devotees, constantly being reminded of the important things in life; bitter because I suddenly feel old and a bit alone. I know, I know -- silly, right? 29 is hardly senior citizen material, and I have many loving friends and family members to be thankful for. Except that, no matter how hard I try, somehow I just can't shake the feeling.
When I was younger, I used to love my birthday... the excitement, the attention, the feeling that I was one year closer to whatever it was that I was rushing toward. But today, I'd just as soon as forget the whole thing. Not that I'm going to wear all black and write melancholy haikus about despair -- it's just that it suddenly feels silly for me to get excited about a day designed to recognize that I am getting older. It feels sort of like a shirt that doesn't quite fit anymore, uncomfortable in ways that the casual observer can't notice but that pinches the person wearing the shirt.
Last week I found a few new grey hairs. My body aches in ways that I can't find rational reasons for. I have to watch what I eat, and pizza-eating contests have been replaced with worries about how I'm going to digest all that cheese.
It is life -- dehino 'smin yatha dehe, kaumaram yauvanam jara -- Krishna explains in Bhagavad-gita that the soul passes through different bodies even in this one lifetime, from babyhood to boyhood to youth and then old age.
There's a diorama display called "Changing Bodies" that makes the rounds at Hare Krishna

I guess the problem with getting older is the awareness that it brings, however subtle, that Mr. Old Age is just the opening act for the Big D. Is that what we're all rushing toward?
And maybe that is where the cake, ice cream, games, and gifts come in -- maybe we need them to balance out the cold, hard facts. Maybe.
"Because I'm self-absorbed, I get upset
Mad at the world, how could they forget?
I was alone at birth, I'll be alone at death
Hope I won't be alone at my final destination...
Birth's a costume with a genetic script
We play some role that we'd like to fit
And never admit that we're full of it
And live life in some sort of dazed hallucination
I'll never lament because life is brief
Our bodies are changing like the autumn leaf
It's said that time is the greatest thief
And beats and cheats this entire population."
(Shelter - "Alone on my Birthday")
Mad at the world, how could they forget?
I was alone at birth, I'll be alone at death
Hope I won't be alone at my final destination...
Birth's a costume with a genetic script
We play some role that we'd like to fit
And never admit that we're full of it
And live life in some sort of dazed hallucination
I'll never lament because life is brief
Our bodies are changing like the autumn leaf
It's said that time is the greatest thief
And beats and cheats this entire population."
(Shelter - "Alone on my Birthday")
Yeah, I think I started feeling this way about my birthdays when I turned 18. Suddenly I realised that I had reached the age that I couldn't imagine being as a child and every year older now was just another year over the hill. It's funny, I also used to look at the changing bodies diorama and see where I fit into it - I remember feeling quite alarmed when I realised how close to the centre i am now! Oh well, happy birthday anyway, you are as young as you feel and in Krsna's service we are ever youthful :) Thanks for writing such interesting posts!
Hari bol,
I have a different take on birthdays, and I don't know if it is because I am older or just becuase I am a glass is half full kinda girl, but the best thing about birthdays especially as we get older is that we aren't dead. I know that sounds a little silly but I've got so much work to do before I'll be able to go back to Godhead I can't afford to die. Let's face it who knows what birth I'll get next time. A birthday is a time to remember how fortunate we are to be devotees and be on the right path and that we still have time left to try and get it right! Sure we could reflect and be depressed but better to be encouraged, better to feel blessed by the best, we really have a choice on this one. I hope this didn't sound too "happiness and flowers" and preachy.
May the Lord bless you with all auspiciousness this year and throughout the rest of your life! HAPPY Belated Birthday
Akunthita d.d.
Grey hairs at 29? Oy vey! All that sankirtan is really taking it out of you! Perhaps you SHOULD shave your head! Ha ha!
Seriously though, Happy Birthday!
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