10 Things that Rocked My World During the Festival of Inspiration '07:
- Mahatma Prabhu's powerful presentation on keeping commitments and honoring vows. As a result, I have decided to get "re-initiated" (by the same Guru!) and re-new myself at the lotus feet of my Gurudeva. Oh, and I still can't shake that image of finally being face to face with Lord Krishna and Him saying "I don't know if I can trust you..." Blew me away.
- Saturday morning kirtan-- Vish, Gauravani, Sarvajaya... dancing like I haven't danced in a long time... feeling the holy name in every aching muscle and drop of sweat.
- Yadunath & Co. with their "Sense Enjoyers Anonymous" sketch.... priceless. You have not truly lived if you haven't heard Ekendra Prabhu's Bhakta Igor saying "Telewizion" or "Krishna should pop me like bubble."
- Being in awe watching Gaura (as frontman for his band The Fews) belt out heartfelt, confessional, rocking songs.
- The brief but undeniably wonderful time spent with Karnamrta... standing around outside a tent in the takes-you-by-surprise cold West Virginia night, delaying the inevitable, saying goodbyes repeatedly, wishing she could stay longer.
- Seeing Balaramacandra walking around with a megaphone announcing $1 ice cream sales, and then getting bombarded by frenzied kids waving dollar bills at him.
- Chanting circle and "japa-hoppa" with Caitanya, Mehek, Sneha, Gopisvari, and Krsangi.
- Spending my birthday having a killer ekadasi feast and chatting with Parijata, my "sister from another mother" -- somehow she and I have a bond and a kinship that I can't really explain, but I think we felt it, even way back in 1996. She is my original communications guru, an inspiration, and a big sister and great friend in every sense.
- Three words: Gourmet to Go.
- Being around devotees that remind you, just by the looks on their faces, that it is possible to be Krishna conscious in this life.
Hare Krishna Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Haribol! It was nice meeting you and your wife at the festival of inspiration and hope to see you guys more on various festivals this summer:)Great blog by the way, you are a talented journalist prabu. Gauranga!!!
yours humbly,
malati dd
Hari bol,
Thanks for sharing your favorite parts of the FOI. Maybe we can do lunch and speak more about your trips and realizations you've had. I would love to hear more. Hope your having fun in Houston. Feel better!
Haribol. I'm enjoying your blog, but I am baffled as to why "the genious comedy of Yadunath Das and friends" did not make your top ten FOI moments list?
Shyama Kishori dd
Never mind. I'm an idiot and obviously cannot read. Sorry.
^Hey Special K, thats okay. You got the good looks, photogenic smile, and charming personality in the family. I got the ability to read blog posts thoroughly. What a deal! ;-)
Thanks. I missed your celebrity Blog, but then i see Parijata made it there!!
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